When I first got pregnant I knew I was going to breastfeed but the idea grossed me out. I was going to do it because it was what's best for Johnathen and I knew it would help in bonding and postpartum depression. It took us ~ 2 months to really get comfortable with breastfeeding (no pain) and the first month was just awful. Eventually I figured out what was wrong by doing A LOT of Internet/family and friend research. I could see how someone who wasn't sure if they would breastfeed or not would give up. I was GOING to make it work but man was it hard. Now I love it. I can't count the amount of sweet moments I've had with Johnathen that I know I would not have gotten if I bottle fed him. I have nothing against formula or bottle fed babies. Everyone has their own way to raise their child for their own reasons and that's the way it should be. I'm not bashing on non-breast feeders but man are they missing out. There's nothing sweeter then feeling your baby melt in your arms as soon as he starts eating or funnier them him yelling at you and mouthing your arm, neck, face or whatever to tell you he's hungry. There's the saying 'didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food?' ...wow am I'm breaking that rule! We don't necessarily 'play' with the food source but we sure play while he's eating. He likes to smile at me and make faces while eating and every now and then he reaches his hand up and softly examines whatever part of my face he can reach. The best moments are at night especially when he was younger. He would just stare at me and I got a lot of sweet silent smiles from him when he was so little. One smile a week would make getting up every 3 hours a night worth it. Now we sleep through the night and I can tell you that though I LOVE my sleep and am starting to become a sleep whore I find myself missing those nights.
Johnathen is 7 months now and breastfeeding is a little more trickier then it was around 3 months. I didn't start feeling comfortable breastfeeding him in public until then. For example, on our flight back from visiting family in Idaho I was in between two grown men and Johnathen needed to eat. He's definitely long enough to kick the guy who was sleeping on my right and flash the guy who was laughing on my left. If I had any advice I'd say throw in a few eating upright in front of you positions every now and then so they at least are used to it because that would have been nice. And even if you are at home get them used to a cover. At this age I'm kind of screwed either way but Johnathen has never sat still for me while feeding in public. Luckily the guy on the left had 5 kids and I think found humor in me trying to talk a 7 month old into sitting still. I'm sure he was thinking 'yeah good luck.'
There is the occasional bite or hey! what's that over there? I'll just go a head and check it out bringing the nipple along. My sister-in-law always jokes that if this happens enough you get 9 inch nipples. I can't say they'll be that long but at least 4. You also have to deal with the stares in public (I use a cover) and at home from the husband who sometimes eyes the baby with a very envious look. Then there's the question of how long do I breastfeed? Initially I was set on 6 months because I thought you just stopped then and they were good. When I found out I was wrong and they needed to go a year then a year was my goal. I felt like it would be disgusting to go any longer but now I'm not so sure. Will I be continuing on for selfish reasons? Is it necessary? Is it gross? I just hope we quit when I'm ready. I already know it's going to break my heart if he loses interest early. I could go on and on about breastfeeding and all it's awesomeness
Amongst all the things I mentioned above I didn't mention my favorite part about breastfeeding...The surprise booger. It's sneaky and has a way of eluding your eyes. The booger and baby are definitely on the same team. Baby plants the booger close to your nipple then distracts you by kicking or punching or squirming. This gives the booger just enough time to get away and hide until you go to take a shower the next morning if you even get to one. It's funny how my outlook on life has changed after having a baby. A booger to me now has the same excitement as finding $20 in your pocket that you didn't know was there.:) You think Ah! that little turd.....and baby strikes again.
hehehe! As always I love your candid discussions about, well anything. I am so proud of you for sticking it out when it was rough. What was it that you discovered you were doing "wrong"? What kind of tips do you have for your friend who is about to embark on this lovely adventure? (we can actually skype but you know me and comments)
ReplyDeleteI'm down for a Skype session. :) When the nurse came in to help (and I'm sure you'll hear this a lot) She just took his head and literally shoved it on...What I found was 1. you actually want to aim the nipple towards the roof of their mouths not straight in and 2. I think I had slightly flat nipples (tmi?). So putting him straight on my breast 'area' he would suck and I think get some of my nipple in but it wasn't right and was very painful. What helped was feeding on one breast at a time while it was painful. (it took me ~1.5 months to figure out our problem) Using ALOT of nipple cream after every feeding and airing them out helps if it gets bad (I hope it doesn't). Phil's sister got me ice packs that helped a lot too. I also bought a nipple sheild. Now our breastfeeding class instructor and research on the internet taught me that the sheilds decrease milk production. So what I did was I put the sheild on to start and once he ate enough to draw my nipple out I took the sheild off and it started to feel better. After I realized the combination of problems I would massage the nipple to make it errect and aim him up and things got 100% better after that :D We never went back to trying both sides full time (here and there we would) because by the time we figured stuff out and it was going smoothly he was 2 months old. Hope this helps.